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Zero to Hero Medical Moulage and Simulation Course
This highly popular course is delivered in a modular fashion and allows the candidate to attend 1, 2 or all 3 days. Each day takes the candidate to the next level and builds on the skills of the previous day.
Day 1; Core Skills:
Setting up medical simulations, use of cremes and alcohol palettes to create base level 2D effects, blood effects, simple burns, environmental effects
Day 2; Sculpting onto Skin:
Direct application of 2-part silicone and sculpt gel to skin and then sculpting it to create a variety of wound effects. Then colouring and flesh toning the sculpt, and finally dressing it using the effects learnt on Day 1.
Day 3; Flat Moulding:
The production of flat mould pieces and their application to skin. Then colouring and flesh toning the sculpt, and finally dressing it using the effects learnt on Day 1.
Can be held in Bristol, or local to your location if preferred.
Courses can be bespoked to client need

"I never thought I’d be able to achieve the level of SFX that I did, I put some of what I’d learnt to the test last night at an exercise and it was awesome."
"I don't have an artistic bone in my body, but after 3 days with Paul now have the ability to make my medical simulation so realistic for my students. Had such a relaxed and fun 3 days. Thank you."
I’ve just finished a three day moulage course with Paul Savage of Saviour Medical, and I can’t wait to put into practice what I’ve learned. There were seven of us on the course, all from very different backgrounds but all having an interest in training and trying to make that training more realistic. There are a number of papers that have shown how essential it is to try and make training scenarios as realistic as possible and after having completed this course I now feel more confident in being able to make this happen.
Day one was 2D work, so bruising (old and new), swelling, skin discolouration etc. To be honest Day one would have been great on its own to get me going, but it really got me thinking about how far I might be able to take this. Already dozens of scenarios were running through my head.
Day two and we moved on to some 3D moulding work. Here we created wound flaps, laceration and incisions as well as full thickness burns. By now the creative juices were really flowing. Again more scenarios came rushing in to my head.
Day three, we have moved on to creating our own molds using various materials that can be kept for a while and very easily and quickly applied ready for the scenario required. Unlike the wounds we created on day two, which took some time, these mounds would allow us to prepare the wounds and then literally stick them on and make up as per requirements. Much quicker and with fantastic results.
Paul is a great educator with a lot of patience (he had to with me, I’m terrible at arty stuff). What I really liked was that he wouldn’t just say that a wound/burn etc. wasn’t right, but he would explain why and how it could have been avoided and/or how it could potentially be salvaged.
I would highly recommend attending Paul’s course if you truly want to up your game in realism for your training scenarios.
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